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Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions Answered

Below you’ll find answers to some of the more common questions I’ve received. Read on to learn more about my services and what I’ve done to help my clients in pursuit of their goals. If you feel like you didn’t find the answer you were looking for, feel free to contact me for more information. I’m always happy to hear from people who are interested in coaching.

Image by John Torcasio

What is coaching?

With life, as in sport, none of us has all the answers.  We work toward becoming a better person, a better partner and a better contributor to our life's work.  A Certified Coach can help us develop a plan for improvement in whatever area we are struggling and support us along the way in accomplishing our goals.  With Kim as your coach, she will help you establish near-term milestones that fulfill on your long-term goals, providing the appropriate session frequency to help you achieve success.


Can I book an Intake Session?

Absolutely.  Click the link below to book a meet and discovery session to see if coaching is for you.  We can discuss the various services available and select the appropriate path forward for your circumstances.

Crossing the River

What are your fees?

Fees vary depending on duration and service requested.  Please follow the link below to browse services and fees.

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